How to uninstall symantec endpoint protection server 2003
How to uninstall symantec endpoint protection server 2003

how to uninstall symantec endpoint protection server 2003

The utility runs in verbose mode and will ask you about the components you want uninstalled. Browse to the new folder and execute the utility by double clicking ‘CleanWipe.exe’ Extract the file to a new folder in a convenient location, such as the Desktop, using the un-zip password provided above.Ģ. Note: The zip file is password protected.ġ. The customer may need to re-install the missing applications after running CleanWipe. If you have other Symantec applications on the computer that depend on any of the applications listed above, those applications may not function properly. Symantec AntiVirus (Version 9.x and above) When using the CleanWipe utility, please be aware that it removes the following products and components from the computer: The VirusDefs folder is located under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ If you have other Symantec applications that use the VirusDefs folder, it is recommended that you make backup copy of the VirusDefs folder before running the CleanWipe tool. You cannot select individual applications to remove.ĬleanWipe will remove Virus Definitions if you select Yes to “Do you want to do a detailed MSI Product Code registry search?…”, even when selecting No to “If Virus Defs remain after uninstalling Symantec products do you want to uninstall the Virus Defs?”. This utility can be run on Windows 2000, Windows XP (32 and 64 bit), and Windows Server 2003 (32 and 64 bit.)ĭo not run this utility on Windows NT, Windows 9x, or Windows Me.ĭo not run this utility on systems that have Symantec AntiVirus 8.x or below installed. Once the utility has been obtained please follow these instructions: To obtain Cleanwipe please contact Symantec Technical support.

how to uninstall symantec endpoint protection server 2003

The cleanwipe utility is used to completely remove Symantec Antivirus and Symantec Endpoint Protection products.

How to uninstall symantec endpoint protection server 2003